So I’ve worked long and hard at this project of mine, and that is trying to figure out which WordPress Themes I was going to buy for my website. I was done with trying to make a free WordPress theme work. It was just too much of a hassle and the lack of tech support and options to customize it was making want to pull my hair out.
So if my experience hasn’t convinced you, I’ve listed quite a few more reasons why you might want to purchase a premium WordPress theme:
1) More Control: You have more control of your website appearance and functionality as some of the better premium themes come with customization options that you can easily change without having to edit the code itself. Yes, WordPress is easy but its not that easy. Website themes or templates make it easier for you to customize your site the way you want it to look and function. I’ve found that free themes are some of the hardest themes to work with if you have no knowledge of HTML, CSS and PHP code and have bigger ideas in mind for your website.
2) Tech Support: Professional WordPress Suppliers almost always provide tech support to purchasers of their WordPress themes.
3) HTML/Browser Compliance: You can be assured that the theme is professionally made and internet code compliant from a trusted source.
4) Free Upgrades: When you buy a WordPress theme from a reputable source, all future upgrades are usually provided for free or at a low cost.
5) Visual Appeal: Premium themes are usually more visually appealing to the end user. No one wants to visit a boring website or blog.
6) Avoid Bad Coding and Back links: A lot of free themes contain encrypted, malicious code and back links to websites all over the internet. Sometimes the designer will mention that they are harmless but you never know. I never found these links acceptable and the encrypted code worried me a great deal. If you want to check to see if your wordpress theme contains these encrypted codes or back-links then install the Theme Authenticity Checker TAC plug-in.

Here’s a screenshot of the Theme Authenticity Checker Plug-in at work. Here it found encrypted code in a WordPress theme.
7) Less Plug-ins Required: Your premium theme will require less plug-ins due to all the features built right in. Using less plug-ins can help your blog/website run faster. Plus you don’t have to worry about maintaining those plugins. In fact some of the primary reasons that a blog will cease to function or fail is due to outdated or broken plugins.
8) No Need for a Web Programmer or Designer: Buying a premium wordpress theme is a whole lot cheaper than hiring a web programming professional to design your website for you.
9) Distinctiveness: Due to the great deal of customization available with WordPress themes your blog will look more unique and less like the other websites who may have the same exact theme installed.
10) SEO – Premium themes makers know that serious webmasters and bloggers are concerned about Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”), so they will usually do everything possible to make sure their themes are SEO Optimized. If you are going to put a lot of energy into getting your website higher in the rankings you certainly don’t want a poorly coded WordPress Theme to bring you down.
I put together a spreadsheet with my wordpress supplier comparisons. This file grew quite large so I will share some of my results in the coming weeks with you.

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